
Finance, metrics and performance influence an A+D practice’s wellbeing and its success, as well as the firm culture and its bottom line.

My client’s knowledge of their firm’s financial performance is key to any of their decision making. Thru the crucial lens of financial performance, I guide clients during the transition process related to growth, leadership transition, firm restructuring, succession planning / ownership transition and strategic expansion. 

As an inside expert with extensive industry exposure, I provide essential guidance for best practices in financial and project performance, defining processes and setting performance benchmarks to establish a  sound financial monitoring system. 

I work with my clients to achieve and maintain fiscal health for their businesses—from basic best practices to advanced systems that can help measure, predict and manage their firm's performance.  This includes top metrics an A+D leader needs to measure like key performance indicators [KPIs] including overhead and break-even rates, staff utilization rates, profitability, competitive hourly rates, backlog and fee forecasting among others.

On a practical level, clients benefit from my ability to introduce and connect them with others and lead initiatives in areas of financial performance; project management and performance.